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Friday 6 December 2013

chapter 12: Corporate culture and leadership: keys to good strategy execution

let started chapter 12: Corporate culture and leadership: keys to good strategy execution

first of all...
corporate culture is the character of a company's internal work climate—as shaped by a system of shared values, beliefs, ethical standards, and traditions that in turn define behavioral norms, ingrained attitudes, accepted work practices, and styles of operating. A company's culture is important because it influences the organization's actions and approaches to conducting business. In a very real sense, the culture is the company's organizational DNA.

key features of a firm's corporate culture:

Company cultures vary widely in strength and influence. Some are strongly embedded and have a big impact on a company's practices and behavioral norms. Others are weak and have comparatively little influence on company operations.

Strong company cultures can have either positive or negative effects on strategy execution. When they are well matched to the behavioral requirements of the company's strategy implementation plan, they can be a powerful aid to strategy execution. A culture that is grounded in the types of actions and behaviors that are conducive to good strategy execution assists the effort in three ways:
  • By focusing employee attention on the actions that are most important in the strategy execution effort.
  • Through culture-induced peer pressure for employees to contribute to the success of the strategy execution effort.
  • By energizing employees, deepening their commitment to the strategy execution effort, and increasing the productivity of their efforts.
requirements, is a tough and often time-consuming challenge. Changing a culture requires competent leadership at the top. It requires making a compelling case for cultural change and employing both symbolic actions and substantive actions that unmistakably indicate serious commitment on the part of top management. The more that culture-driven actions and behaviors fit what's needed for good strategy execution, the less managers must depend on policies, rules, procedures, and supervision to enforce what people should and should not do.
  • Leading the drive for good strategy execution and operating excellence calls for three actions on the part of the manager in charge
  • Staying on top of what is happening and closely monitoring progress. This is often accomplished through managing by walking around (MBWA).
  • Putting constructive pressure on the organization to execute the strategy. well and achieve operating excellence.
  • Initiating corrective actions to improve strategy execution and achieve the targeted performance results.

]we end here this chapter... thank you so much for reading...JJz]

chapter 11: managing internal operations: actions that promote good strategy execution

now we at the end of this chapter which is chapter 11: managing internal operations: actions that promote good strategy execution

implementing a new or different strategy calls for managers to identify the resource requirements of each new strategic initiative and then consider whether the current pattern of resources allocation and budgets of the various subunits are suitable.

companies policies and operating procedures facilitate strategy execution by:

  • providing top-down guidance regarding how things need to be done
  • helping ensure consistency in how execution-critical activities are performed
  • promoting the creation of a work climate that facilitates good strategy execution

employing process management tools:

company strategies cannot be implemented or executed well without a number of support systems to carry on business operation. real-time information systems and control system further aid the cause of good strategy execution.

For an incentive compensation system to work well:
  • the monetary payoff should be a major percentage of the compensation package
  • the use of incentives should extend to all managers and workers
  • the system should be administered with care and fairness
  • each individual's performance targets should involve outcomes the person can personally affect
  • rewards should promptly follow the determination of good performance
  • rewards should be given for results and not just effort.

now i finished updated chapter, it mean the exam just in the prepare ok..
gambatte...u can do it..wish me luck..dadada...

Thursday 5 December 2013

chapter 10: building an organization capable of good strategy execution: people, capabilities and structure

we will continue with chapter 10: building an organization capable of good strategy execution: people, capabilities and structure.

10 managerial tasks crop up repeatedly in company efforts to execute strategy: 

staffing the organization well
building the necessary organizational capabilities
creating a supportive organizational structure
allocating sufficient resource
instituting supportive policies and procedures
adopting processes for continuous improvement
installing systems that enable proficient company operations
tying incentives to the achievement of desired targets
instilling the right corporate culture
exercising internal leadership

The two best signs of good strategy execution are whether a company is meeting or beating its performance targets and performing value chain activities in a manner that is conducive to company-wide operating excellence. Shortfalls in performance signal weak strategy, weak execution, or both.

Building an organization capable of good strategy execution entails three types of organization-building actions: 

 staffing the organization

assembling a talented management team, and recruiting and retaining employees with the needed experience, technical skills, and intellectual capital

building and strengthening core competencies and competitive capabilities

developing proficiencies in performing strategy-critical value chain activities and updating them to match changing market conditions and customer expectations

structuring the organization and work effort 

instituting organizational arrangements that facilitate good strategy execution, deciding how much decision-making authority to delegate, and managing external relationships

Structuring the organization and organizing the work effort in a strategy supportive fashion has four aspects:
  • deciding which value chain activities to perform internally and which ones to outsource
  • aligning the firm's organizational structure with its strategy
  • deciding how much authority to centralize at the top and how much to delegate to down-the-line managers and employees
  • facilitating the necessary collaboration and coordination with external partners and strategic allies.

To align the firm's organizational structure with its strategy, it is important to make strategy-critical activities the main building blocks. There are four basic types of organizational structures: the simple structure, the functional structure, the multi divisional structure, and the matrix structure. Which is most appropriate depends on the firm's size, complexity, and strategy.

that all for today..till we meet again..bye2:):)